
A selection of game trailers, music videos and animated short movies.

Gaia Beyond Trailers

1.0 Release Trailer

All Gaia Beyond trailers involve footage capture, animation, cut / editing, audio management and post-production.

'Holy Cow!' Trailer

'MUTATO' Trailer

Animated Shorts

7 A.M.

Hand-animated chain reaction

Edding on paper – work includes music and sounds.

Pastete (no audio)

Staring into the abyss...

Illustrator, Flash, After Effects

The Glitch

Experimental loop

Photoshop, After Effects

Music Videos

Soundtrack zum Untergang

Illustration, animation, editing, drums

Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere Pro

Verrückte Viecher

Cut & editing, drums

Illustrations by Thomas Varnhorn



Footage capture, editing, music

Premiere Pro, Cubase